Take a look at what is currently happening here at Our Savior.


LIFELIGHT WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – Thursday Afternoon – LifeLight Women’s Bible Study LifeLight involves personal study and group discussion. We meet in the Church every Thursday(1-3pm). “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 All women are welcome and encouraged to attend.

American Red Cross Blood Drive

The next blood drive at Our Savior is scheduled for Friday, August 16 2024  1:00 pm-5:45 pm. There are plenty of time slots available for people to donate so please consider going online to register at https://redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive. Type in the church’s zip code 48353 and you will find us.  I appreciate your consideration.

The Holy Triduum – Good Friday – Tre Ore

THE LITURGY OF THE PASCHAL/EASTER TRIDUUM, the sacred three days of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in Holy Week, continues as the Lord’s Spirit gathers us this Good Friday in celebration of God’s sacrifice of Himself on the cross that we may have life in Him.

The Holy Triduum – Good Friday – Tenebrae

THE OFFICE OF TENEBRAE is an ancient order of worship conducted on the final days of Holy Week, in commemoration of the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ for the sin of the world…

Easter Egg Hunt!

If you have children, be sure to bring them over to the church on Saturday, April 4th for the Children’s Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt. The activity begins at 10:00 a.m. and is sure to be a wonderful time for everyone in the family!