“BeTeehold, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world!”
THE LITURGY OF THE PASCHAL/EASTER TRIDUUM, the sacred three days of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in Holy Week, continues as the Lord’s Spirit gathers us this TreGood Friday in celebration of God’s sacrifice of Himself on the cross that we may have life in Him.
PLEASE MAINTAIN SILENCE AND REVERENCE IN THE NAVE. In preparation, prayerfully meditate upon Psalm 22:1-24.
Please note:
THE SACRAMENT OF CHRIST’S BODY AND BLOOD is celebrated on Maundy Thursday, at the Good Friday Tre Ore Service, and on Holy Saturday. In great love, He was slain for us, and by His blood, He ransomed us for God. As our substitute for carrying our sin, the Holy Lamb of God received the punishment we deserve! And as He, Himself, cried out, “It is finished!” (John 19:30), the debt is paid! As we marvel at the forgiveness He won for us at Calvary, we also give thanks for the means by which He brings it to us still today. As we receive Holy Communion, guests who desire to commune are asked to speak with the pastor before the Service. We practice closed communion, as the Holy Scriptures have instructed. Visitors who know themselves to be in altar fellowship with the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and are desiring to receive the Sacrament are asked to first speak with the Pastor. All communicants are asked to fill out the “Record of Fellowship” booklet and prepare by considering the Christian Questions with Their Answers on pages 329 – 330 in the Lutheran Service Book.