Message from the Pastor


The Lord be with you! Thank you for stopping by the Our Savior website!

I often receive comments from visitors about how the people at Our Savior are so friendly and warm. At the same time, it isn’t unusual to hear that when visitors walk through our doors, they don’t feel as though they visited a place concerned with numbers or that’s trying to sell a product through gimmicks. Praise God for this because it is true! We are not trying to be “the next big thing,” only faithful to our Lord!

In short, we take the Bible (the Word of God) seriously. It shapes all that we do. This means that in our worship, we see ourselves as part of the Christian Church of all ages and not just the 21st century. It means that we strive to align with Christ’s will, ultimately influencing the culture and not the other way around. We know it’s tough to maintain such an identity in this day and age, and yet, we are committed to Christ, who, by the Holy Spirit, promises His grace and every blessing in it.

When you visit us, you will see that we are a church family that believes and stands firmly upon the most relevant message that the world has ever known: God has chosen to reach out in love to a sinful and fallen world through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. As a congregation, our outreach efforts, including our tuition-free grade school, work toward extending this Kingdom of God’s extraordinary grace!

If you are a member of another congregation, please greet your fellow Christians there in the peace of the Lord, and be sure to let me know if there is anything we can lift before the Lord in prayerful support of your Gospel efforts. If you are not attending another congregation, I encourage you to visit us as often as you like. Be sure to interact with the brothers and sisters in Christ in this place, taking a moment to check your calendar and see about a time I might be able to visit with you, too. I am your servant and would be glad to meet you!

In Jesus,
Pastor Christopher I. Thoma+